Advisory Alert - Changing Roof Color Can Lead
to Warranty Complications

Changing the color of a performing roof system without involving a design professional can lead to unintended warranty complications and financial consequences. Prior to changing the color of a roof, its geographic location must be taken into account, and a specific energy consumption strategy for the building must be in place. If these factors are not considered, a number of problems can arise.

Painting a dark roof white lowers its surface temperature, causing the roofing membrane to frequently fall below the dew point, and remain below it for extensive periods of time. This unintended modification to rooftop physics contributes to an increased probability of condensation and can lead to moisture accumulation within the roofing assembly, particularly in cold Northern climates.

To avoid complications with the Carlisle warranty, and to fully understand the possible consequences, it is strongly recommended that a design professional be consulted prior to changing the color of a warranted Carlisle roof.

Should further clarification be needed, please contact the Technical and Warranty Service Department.

Click here to view the complete announcement.

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