Authorized Applicator Marketing Announcement

Carlisle Updates Warranty Matrix

Carlisle has updated its warranty matrix to include new products added over the past year. The information is compiled in an Excel spreadsheet for easy reference. The first tab in the spreadsheet identifies whether a specific warranty term or option is available for various system and membrane types. The second tab provides pricing information for each of the warranty options.

This updated warranty matrix goes into effect April 1, 2012.

The warranty matrix includes a few additions:

  • 30-year Total Systems Warranty options for Sure-Weld® TPO, Sure-White™ EPDM, and Sure-Flex® KEE PVC membranes
  • 25- and 30-year material-only options
  • 10-year warranty extension for EPDM systems

The matrix highlights additional discounts for systems that utilize high-performance products such as SecurShield™ polyisocyanurate insulation and FAT™ seam technology.

For additional questions related to Carlisle's warranty options or pricing, please contact your local manufacturer's representative or distributor.

Click Here to view the complete marketing announcement.

Carlisle, Sure-Weld, Sure-White, Sure-Flex, SecurShield and FAT are trademarks of Carlisle. © 2012 Carlisle.

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